Founder and CEO
Diane Miller founded the Women's Influence Institute to create more opportunities for women in politics and policy. Throughout her career, Diane has specialized in working with policy experts, elevating their insights, highlighting their experience, and inserting their voice into policy narratives. Seeing a disparity in the number of women engaged in policy compared to the number of opportunities for expert insights, Diane founded the Women's Influence Institute to change that. To engage women policy experts, empower them with the tools they need to be effective and, ultimately, increase women's influence in policy and politics.
An experienced political strategist and communicator, before founding WII, Diane worked as an advisor and consultant to some of the world's largest companies, working on high-profile issues that dominated national and international media cycles. She has advised senior executives and Governors, has worked on issues impacting all levels of government -- from country commissions to the White House-- and has played leadership roles in international policy teams, including leading efforts in South America, Canada, the European Union, and throughout Asia.